This is why people are losing respect for the police...

22 Apr 2016
There's no evidence yet that either of them are violent criminals. For all we know, the firearms officer could have rocked up and started laying into the "wrong lads" considering quite a few other men were there and involved from the video clips. Both men in the main video have been released without charge.
That’s why I said in principle.
30 Apr 2006
If he battered 3 police officers why were they released that same evening without charge? Both brothers are already at home and videos are circulating of them sat with some lawyer. Apparently they were taken to Cheadle Heath police station and released without charge and made their own way to the hospital afterwards. Airports have cameras everywhere, if he had done as so many in here have claimed - why would he be released so quick?

Well, that's a disappointment, the police have yet again given in to the mob. It's clear now we don't have a police force when it comes to people of certain ethnicity, they have a sense of entitlement because our police let them go every single time.

It was clear that they were scared of a Precinct 13 situation and bottled it. This is going to get much much worse in the coming years.
22 Apr 2016
Let's just conveniently ignore everything you said prior to mentioning the bbc then?

What I can tell you though in principle is, no trained police officer should ever be acting in that manner, irrespective of his skin colour or the colour of the one being restrained, irrespective of innocence or guilt. Some of us said this from the start, and we stand by this position as its the correct one, not skewed or blinded by any sort of hatred.
I’ll be honest if someone punched out three of my colleagues in front of me, it would take a better man than me not to react. Again just going on media reports as that’s all we can do. Yes Police shouldn’t react but has it even been confirmed yet if this was a knee jerk reaction or an attempt to stop said violent criminals from going for a gun? If the latter I’m sure you’d agree very appropriate!
30 Apr 2006
Lot of us jumping into judgement without knowing the whole picture.

I do find it odd that this is making bigger news than the soldier who was stabbed and then almost immediately blamed on 'mental health'.

On that note. Why is no one asking how quickly the police came out with the MENTAL ILLNESS excuse so fast? They had no way to know that a mere hour or two after the event. It takes a phycologist days if not weeks to asses that.
31 Aug 2021
I think it “may” be obvious why the police went for “mental health” considering racial tensions at the moment, although it does seem that’s their default mode when things like this happen.
30 Apr 2006
There's no evidence yet that either of them are violent criminals. For all we know, the firearms officer could have rocked up and started laying into the "wrong lads" considering quite a few other men were there and involved from the video clips. Both men in the main video have been released without charge.
Well it's been reported they attacked at least 3 officers, they had to go to the hospital, one with a broken nose and that's whose blood you can see on the floor during the video. Not just the MSM, but didn't the police confirm this?


So they are violent criminals
They made no attempt on the officers' weapons, it was a risk they considered, but would always be a risk with people walking in close proximity to them on a daily basis. It's quite clear from the police statement that no attempt was made.
Seeing the video again, the person in blue was NOT restrained at that moment, his hands were free, that officer wasn't taking any chances he was about to jump up and snatch his gun, however remote that chance was.

And now we have a problem, a large chunk of Muslims, (mostly new arrivals at a guess) as they feel as if they are above the law, and feel they have the God given right to do what they want. We have a problem, a problem we need to quashed quickly otherwise we're going to have a war on our streets. Them vs the police and if this continues, complete civil unrest involving everyone. The police are failing in their duty.

17 Sep 2018
I’ll be honest if someone punched out three of my colleagues in front of me, it would take a better man than me not to react. Again just going on media reports as that’s all we can do. Yes Police shouldn’t react but has it even been confirmed yet if this was a knee jerk reaction or an attempt to stop said violent criminals from going for a gun? If the latter I’m sure you’d agree very appropriate!

What kind of mental gymnastics is this? The guy is videoed laying face down prone with his arms by his side and has just been tasered. How do you come to the conclusion, from that evidence that said man is 'going for a gun'???
23 Apr 2014
Well it's been reported they attacked at least 3 officers, they had to go to the hospital, one with a broken nose and that's whose blood you can see on the floor during the video. Not just the MSM, but didn't the police confirm this?

So they are violent criminals

Seeing the video again, the person in blue was NOT restrained at that moment, his hands were free, that officer wasn't taking any chances he was about to jump up and snatch his gun, however remote that chance was.

And now we have a problem, a large chunk of Muslims, (mostly new arrivals at a guess) as they feel as if they are above the law, and feel they have the God given right to do what they want. We have a problem, a problem we need to quashed quickly otherwise we're going to have a war on our streets. Them vs the police and if this continues, complete civil unrest involving everyone. The police are failing in their duty.

It's been reported and the police statement suggests that at least one of the people in the main video was involved in the attack. However, we need more details and for them to be prosecuted before we can confirm that they're both violent criminals.

The man in blue was under a taser, and if the cop was at all interested in actually restraining him, he does a poor job, kicking and stomping him, then moving on to the man in the chair, leaving the man in blue free.
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24 Jan 2022
Over There
Seeing the video again, the person in blue was NOT restrained at that moment, his hands were free, that officer wasn't taking any chances he was about to jump up and snatch his gun, however remote that chance was.

Is the person in blue the same person laying on the ground with a very straight body and clenched hands which usually happens when being Tasered. Very hard to keep urine in when being Tasered, let alone reaching for a gun...

For those that haven't seen the kick and possible reach for a gun.

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30 Apr 2006
What kind of mental gymnastics is this? The guy is videoed laying face down prone with his arms by his side and has just been tasered. How do you come to the conclusion, from that evidence that said man is 'going for a gun'???

I've seen plenty of videos from the US of people simply shaking off Tasers and keep on going. There was a chance, no matter how small, that he was able at the moment to jump up and make a go for his gun. Maybe he twitched the wrong way that made the officer believe this was about to happen and had to take a split nano-second reaction. I would do something similar in his situation.

EDIT - Can someone confirm if they have been released, I've only seen here that they have but not in the MSM or social media yet. Sorry, just woke up 30mins ago.
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17 Sep 2018
I've seen plenty of videos from the US of people simply shaking off Tasers and keep on going. There was a chance, no matter how small, that he was able at the moment to jump up and make a go for his gun. Maybe he twitched a wrong way that made the officer believe this was about to happen and had to take action. I would do something similar in his situation.

No there wasn't at all. He's laying prone, tasered and no threat. You're making up very poor unbelievable excuses for assault, GBH and possibly attempted murder. Because people often die or suffer brain damage from that type of attack. His attack also did nothing to control the suspect, so stop playing pretend. Be honest, the reason you're defending the officer committing this crime is because you dislike the person he's assaulting.

You want to live in a society where police have the power to be judge, jury and executioner. I want that to be solely in the power of the courts of peers
30 Apr 2006
No there wasn't at all. He's laying prone, tasered and no threat. You're making up very poor unbelievable excuses for assault, GBH and possibly attempted murder. Because people often die or suffer brain damage from that type of attack. His attack also did nothing to control the suspect, so stop playing pretend. Be honest, the reason you're defending the officer committing this crime is because you dislike the person he's assaulting.

You want to live in a society where police have the power to be judge, jury and executioner. I want that to be solely in the power of the courts of peers
Good lord.

Ahh, watching the video yet again, he snapped his head around suddenly towards him, yeah the police had to make a split-second decision, yes it ended up being the wrong one, but I can't blame him for not taking a chance.
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5 Feb 2006
Is the person in blue the same person laying on the ground with a very straight body and clenched hands which usually happens when being Tasered. Very hard to keep urine in when being Tasered, let alone reaching for a gun...

For those that haven't seen the kick and possible reach for a gun.

What happened prior to this clipped video?
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