What film did you watch last night?

7 Mar 2005
Planet of The Apes (1968)

One of those films I'd never got round to watching. Wow, what a film. The scenery and costumes are awesome. The planet does look so alien. Great ending to it, one super hot 60's chick :D

Well worth a watch. 8.5/10
Watched that the other night. An utter sci-fi classic. Pity the sequels are of questionable quality.

I've got loads of classic films I've not yet got around to watching. Was very happy that I watched Planet Of The Apes. :)
2 Jun 2004
The Cabin in the Woods 8.5/10
The Hunger Games 6/10

Same as me. But my scores would be a little different...

The Cabin in the Woods - 8.5/10 if watched with a couple of mates, or 6.8 if watched alone. (definately a movie to lol along to with friends, rather than watch on your own).

The Hunger Games - 5.5/10. Despite borrowing heavily from "The Running Man" in the early scenes, it is initially engaging. But when the 'game' begins it just becomes a poor-mans Battle Royale (regardless of wether it was an intentional rip-off or otherwise). Also the ending was poor.
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20 Jan 2012
Same as me. But my scores would be a little different...

The Cabin in the Woods - 8.5/10 if watched with a couple of mates, or 6.8 if watched alone. (definately a movie to lol along to with friends, rather than watch on your own).

The Hunger Games - 5.5/10. Despite borrowing heavily from "The Running Man" in the early scenes, it is initially engaging. But when the 'game' begins it just becomes a poor-mans Battle Royale (regardless of wether it was an intentional rip-off or otherwise). Also the ending was poor.

Watched both films with mates over the weekend. And agree on all points, would have been nice if like in Battle Royale you actually got to see more of the other deaths that occurred when they main protagonist was in different area's of the map. There's another film I can't remember that follows a similar premise (The Condemned) had to google that it was terrible. I don't think any of the films have nailed it yet.

They all try and justify the reasoning for the course of action taken and then always have the 1 survivor rule, they need to get more creative with the characters shown in these films and give us a better back story. It'd be great to see a film like all of the above where you grow an attachment for several of the characters (all with a back story) all likeable or worthy of feeling sorry for. Characters that pull at our emotional attachments taken various life experiences as the driving factor for why we want them to survive and then for all of them to die.

I don't know a better prize than survival but they could at least come up with a rule that hasn't being done a 100x over. They could take Inspiration from The Cabin In The Woods in that sense.

Hunger Games is part of a trilogy though so we get what we get as far as ending goes. I'd prefer a 3 or even 4 hour film in this ''survivor'' genre that really pulls at all the emotional/life experience strings.
6 Jun 2009
No Mans Land
Avengers Assemble

Really enjoyed this, thought it was great how they used so many characters in the same film. I reckon they will be doing another one as this film has been pretty successful. Watching it for the second time around I enjoyed it even more. I thought the story was pretty basic itself but I kind of expected that (invasion from outer space/good verses evil) but with all the different characters and stuff going on it pans it out pretty good (didn't drag at all) so the story does not have to be too deep and complex. Good effects and CGI.

I give it a solid 8/10


Just noticed that the Avengers 2 is already planned for 2015 (no surprise really!)
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12 Jul 2007
The Keith Lemon Movie - 3/10 - I love Celebrity juice but this films proves that a 30-45min show can't be stretched into a movie. The same old jokes are there and while almost all fall very flat there's a few that got some major laughs. The adverts made much of the star studded line-up (mainly taken from Celeb Juice) but 99% of the celeb's are in one party scene and only speak 1 or 2 lines at most. Maybe I'm being harsh as I saw it sober in a cinema with only 5 other people in it but no-one seemed to be laughing that hard at any part except one (Kelly Brook undressing) unlike TED where everyone was howling every 2 minutes!
15 Aug 2005
Just watched God Bless America, watched the trailer for it ages back and totally forgot about it until I stumbled upon it on Netflix earlier. I rather enjoyed it, reminded me of Super.
16 Mar 2006
Blade Runner - Not watched the film in ages and tried the final cut on Blu Ray, I was very impressed with the quality it certainly didn't look 30 years old! It is a brilliant film and much better without any narration. 4/5



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
Headhunters (Norwegian thriller) 8/10 .... pretty good thriller although a little unrealistic near the end when it all ties up :D

I enjoyed Headhunters.

Watched Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory last night & it is superb. It's a documentary film about the West Memphis Three. A must watch. :cool:

Watched TED tuther night & it's well worth a watch & made me laugh out loud quite a few times. :cool:
4 Jun 2009
the avengers - was a good action film with a decent plot and great one liners by Stark etc. also really liked how no one was made out to be the main character/big gun i.e. Thor, Hulk and Iron man, switch the brain of for 2 hours and 20 minutes and sit back and enjoy. Highly over rated film though IMO, especially on this forum :p Only thing that was unique/special about it was that they combined all the big heroes in one film 8/10
19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
The Expendables 2 - 6/10

One of the funniest films I've seen in a long, long time but for all the wrong reasons. I found myself laughing aloud at some of the terrible dialogue, attempts at character development and pretty much all the exposition. I understand that we don't expect Hamlet here, but Liam Hemsworth's character was not only portrayed ridiculously as the moral heart of the film cum reason for revenge, but the attempts to humanise him were hilariously bad. Action films, particularly dodgy action films, are the reason why I'm attracted to film, why I study it and what epitomises the "magic" of the silver screen for me, yet this was missing that "magical" quality. Really, I just wanted everyone to STOP talking and start blowing **** up or kicking guys in the face.

That being said, when the film did play it for laughs, something which it seemed to revel in more than the last film, it was good. The action was great too. The pacing was totally messed up though, which is odd because one of the good things about overblown action films is that the best have cracking pacing; this didn't.

I thought the scenes with Arnie, Bruce and Sly were a little too knowing, to the point where I felt like I was watching some surreal Planet Hollywood board meeting in the early 90s.

Some of the one liners were good yet still felt oddly empty; a good one liners is delivered with knowing wit, these were just delivered with irony and sometimes that was annoying. The entire back slapping exchange between Norris and Sly was excruciating.

A question for those who've seen it; did you find it really grainy? In places it was like certain scenes were both in focus and out of focus simultaneously, with an absolute ton of graininess. I dunno if the projectionist screwed up or if this was intentional...

Oh and Chuck Norris can **** off.
19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
Funny Games - What the actual hell? Crazy, confusing, and a lot of it is extremely boring...


Go read up a little on wiki about counter cinema and then think about the film again. It might change your opinion on why it is the way it is. It's supposed to be quite deliberately boring, extreme and unwatchable in places.
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