What film did you watch last night?

Rocketman (2019) - 9/10

Absolutely loved it. I'd normally avoid musicals like the plague, but being a fan of Elton John's music I thought it would be worth a look. Taron Egerton, who I'd only seen before as Teddy Smith in the Kray pic 'Legend', completely nails Elton's emotional vulnerability and obnoxiousness.

And the soundtrack is obviously to kill for. Of particular note, 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' is used mostly in a slow, stripped-back, melody-only form on strings and for me it turned an already great song into something both haunting and incredibly moving.
Nice to see a good review of this. I seem to remember the critics poo-pooing bohemian rhapsody and the public loving it. I don’t think critics have been overly loving of rocketman (in the popular British press) but your review has made me reconsider seeing it.

Loved bohemian rhapsody - very moving.
Nice to see a good review of this. I seem to remember the critics poo-pooing bohemian rhapsody and the public loving it. I don’t think critics have been overly loving of rocketman (in the popular British press) but your review has made me reconsider seeing it.

Loved bohemian rhapsody - very moving.
Just bear in mind it’s kind of a musical/biopic hybrid, rather than a strict biopic like Bohemian Rhapsody. Songs are used to suit events on screen rather than in the chronological order in which they were written/released. Not normally my bag at all and I must confess after the first ten minutes or so I wasn’t really sure whether it was going to be my kind of thing, but after that I loved it.
Rocketman (2019) - 6/10

Went this morning with the OH, flabby, self indulgent, and boring the last of which at least I guess we can't accuse Elton of being.

Not averse to musical movies thoroughly enjoyed Bohemian Rhapsody, The Greatest Showman and a Star is Born, other than Taron nobody turned in a decent performance (Stephen Graham's role had no meat on it's bones) too long and lacking in direction due to it's flighty nature.

Wouldn't re watch nor recommend to anyone else to watch.
The first film was really naff - I’m amazed it did so well financially. People just like pets I guess.

Even more annoying was that it was effectively a alternate-dimension reboot of Toy Story.

Toys/Pets get up to stuff when owners aren't around. New toy/pet makes existing toy/pet feel insecure, but bother end up becoming friends by the end of the film.

I have no intention of seeing the second.
Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter
Could have been pretty great, fun premise and cast, but a bit light on both pathos and humour.

Also, John Wick 2.
It's been a while since I saw the first one, so can't remember how this compares, but enjoyed it a lot. Eagerly await the 3rd one hitting streaming.

I totally get why it's become this cult classic for so many. Great pacing, interesting premise with some really solid casting, not too mention some of the best costume and set design I've seen in a movie for a while. But alas, it didn't get on with me past the first half hour.

Felt it was a little too flabby and perhaps a mite too overly Directed. I've seen comparisons made too Brazil which whilst I think are fair in some respects (overall style perhaps), Bong Joon-Ho is just too heavy handed with everything for it to really be a valid on. Whilst Brazil does certainly lavish in the gratuity of it's fantasy sci-fi visuals, at it's heart there's something more you have to work to understand. Snowpiercer just vomits all the exposition and plot points out at you. TBF though, much of the South Korean cinema I've seen lacks the subtlety I've become so used too in the Western and European films I love. That's of course not a dig at Korean cinema. It's just a cultural thing I guess.

It's certainly not bad, not by a long shot. Just not for me :)
John Wick 3

Mostly enjoyable for the most part, particularly if you liked the other two films.

Could've done with being 15-20 minutes shorter. Some shots and scenes could have been cut without any issues at all.

Personally I think the second film is better, and his motivation for staying alive in the third film seems even more flimsy than his reasons door revenge in the other two.

Fight scenes were some of the best ever committed to film (memory card) but some of them were a bit repetitive or unnecessary to the "plot"

Overall 7/10

As a general observation I can see why cinema seats remain largely empty.

£22 for two tickets to.watch a film that would've looked and sounded better on my moderate home cinema set up, of a a 55" LG OLED and 5.1 speaker set up. Especially after watching the previous two John Wick films on 4k Blu-ray the week before we saw the third.
Just finished watching Spider Man: Into the Spider Verse, which is probably the best Spiderman film I've seen and was great fun.

I would love to see films/tv series based off the various different spider people, or even better a sequel.

Just seen that there is almost certainly going to be a sequel and spin off:D
Watched this on the weekend and really enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. Great animation style and a good storyline too.
Rim of the World on Netflix - 1/10.

What a pile of absolute trash. I don't even know where the hell to begin. The film has an identity crisis as it attempts to ride off the back of Stranger Things and Goonies with some iD4 thrown in - Is it an adult film, it can't be a kids films when you're talking about boobies, slinging adult themes all over the shop and then the kids deciding on who will 'sleep' with the teenage girl even though they're all underage. You've got phallic moments in the film too, so wtf is going on?

The entire movie is a confused mess that belongs at the bottom of some bargain bin. This film isn't fun.

Had it playing in the background while doing some work, I'm genuinely not sure if it's something so awfully bad it might actually be good :D
Captain Marvel 7/10
Went in with quite low expectations for this given a lot of negative press. Personally I quite enjoyed the movie.

... And now I can watch endgame!

I really liked parts, and I found others to be irritating. Then the ending had a frustrating but needless zomg she's unbeatable... oh, convenient plot point where she's suddenly weak for 30 seconds to allow someone to get away... nope, super again.

THe big thing I felt jarring throughout the film was she would be doing a brooding moment of being upset, or angry, or scared, or confused and then the next shot she's laughing and grinning like an idiot like the moment of sadness never happened. It just happened over and over again. I absolutely understand why people said her performance was wooden, though I think a fairly large part about that is directing and the lack of letting a 'sad' moment hang at any stage of the film and all but one emotional moment was broken immediately with a joke and the grinning idiot moment. How can you really judge the acting of someone who is being poorly directed. Of course it is possible she was awful and the director cut some uncomfortably bad acting where the moment was left to hang and cut to a joke to avoid it, though it feels more like bad direction to me.

Overall it was good but those moments stood out over and over again throughout the film.

Having not seen endgame, I can kinda only hope that she isn't as powerful as she's ridiculously overpowered.

Also would give it a 6.5-7/10, it was thoroughly watchable, just not brilliant.
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You can either go release date starting from Iron Man or there's storyline chronological lists online that start from Captain America: First Avenger. The name suggests why you may want to start from there ;)
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