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Wozza if the weights aren't going up, the usual answer is you need more food.
Or to translate for UE, tren in yo face bro
It may be some sort of camera trickery with perspective, but I'm pretty sure your hooded fellatist is either a midget or of morally dubious age. I guess that's why you use a hood.
The picture taken moments before tell an entirely different story...
Poor Rowlf
This was copied from my iPod, I do do abs but i don't bother putting it on my Notes as i do it whatever days i feel like 2 days a week.
I've changed my routine up cause i been doing it for about 10 weeks now, This is my old routine
10-12 reps on all sets
Back and biceps:
Chin ups/pull-ups x4
Deadlifts x4
Barbell Row reverse grip x3
Lat Pulldowns x4
Barbell Curl x4
Chest and Triceps:
Dips x4
Benchpress x3
Incline Dumbell press x3
Tricep push downs x3
Squats x4
Leg Press x4
Stiff leg deadlift x3
Calf raise x3
Barbell military press x4
Dumbell press x3
Upright row x3
Shrugs x3
I'm starting a cut next week and this will be my new routine:
10-12 reps on all sets
Back and biceps:
Chin ups/pull-ups x4
Deadlifts x4
1 arm Dumbell row x4
Barbell Row reverse grip x4
Lat Pulldowns x4
Straight arm pulldown x4
Barbell Curl x4
Hammer curls x4
Chest and Triceps:
Dips x4
Benchpress x4
Incline Dumbell press x4
Decline Dumbell press x4
Dumbell overhead extension x4
CG bench press x2 (1 warm up)
Skull crushers x4
Tricep push downs (rope) x4
Squats x4
Leg Press x4
Stiff leg deadlift x3
Calf raise x3
Leg extensions x4
Barbell military press x4
Seated military press x 3
Dumbell press x4
Upright barbell row x4
Shrugs x4
Side lateral raises x4
Critique my routine please, Any thing i should take out and put something different in instead?
Abs. Presuming sit ups then
Russian Twist 2 sets until failure
Prepare for death.