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** The AMD Navi Thread **

Yet they will pay them, which makes any criticism of said prices nothing but hot air. If people didn't buy, Nvidia wouldn't charge. ;)
It's either that or buy second hand. Also, AMD haven't got a 2080 TI competitor so what are we supposed to do if we want that level of performance?
LOL, sorry. Not sure how anybody can look at that graph you posted and think that. 4% market share gain in a time when Nvidia had nothing new out and people were waiting for Pascal cards. The only times they made market share is when Nvidia had nothing out, like at the Polaris launch. And it wasn't even that significant, not even 10%

To put it simply, pricing cheap has not worked for AMD, it hasn't got them significant market share and the few times they have gained a small increase they haven't been able to keep it. Just look at the graph, AMD's market share is going down constantly.

I never said they would gain a substantial share in the first place. I would think 8-10% is classed as a pretty substantial gain though. They even managed to hold onto it for a while but i think it's back down now. My point was if AMD price the cards properly they will gain share and the graph proves that to be the case. Will they ever get back up to 40% which used to be around the norm for Ati/Amd with pricing alone, most likely not. For that to happen they would need to be leading in price while having the faster cards at every segment and even then it might not matter.

Nvidia have a huge fan base that will just buy there cards even if AMD had superior products. As you say being the price performance leader for years never worked. Again my only point was if Navi had a way better price they would gain some share or Nvidia would react with there own pricing to stop that happening. So imo Navi is priced as to where AMD can make some hay for every card they do sell which is probably a better strategy than getting very little back like they have with Vega/R7.
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Hi, Raj Koduri was sacked, I struggle to see how people can think otherwise, He intentionally covered up what was really going on and he purposely mislead & lied to consumers, Vega was the nail in his coffin because he handled the release like you'd handle a 2 week old tuna corpse, After that train wreck he was immediately off on an alleged sabbatical to spend time with his family that he never came back from. The day he went we knew he wasn't coming back.

Rubbish, and again pure opinion/speculation without anything substantial (quotes from either person?) to back it up.
The Vega 56 @ 1080p vs 5700XT @1440p FPS comparison slide AMD has shown, if is truly genuine, puts the 5700XT at 1440p within 1-2 fps of the RVII.
And that with the low "game clock" of the blower card. We have no idea how it would perform on triple fan solution from Asrock, Powercolor and Sapphire keeping close to +13% max boost clock.
However AMD hasn't given any context of what API was used on the comparison benchmark, so we have to wait another week and half to find out.

Maybe, however I would say this might be DX12, a lot of DX11 games tend to be geometry, as nice as it is for AMD to have a strong card, they will likely want to have all vega and polaris stocks gone.

No really, if the geometry issue that has plagued AMD cards vs Nvidia has been improved, then the 5700 XT will be better then the VII in most games as a lot of games are still geometry which is in a lot of DX11 games.

I know a lot of really big AAA games are DX12 but a lot of recent AAA games releases have been shambles and not good games.
Funny how people criticise AMD for it though, but give Nvidia a free pass to gouge as much as they like, and even make excuses for them! :rolleyes:

Exactly. Many criticize AMD for the 5700XT price at $450 MSRP, yet they forget that 2070 has $500 MSRP and the 2070 FE $600.

When we argued last October about the 2080/2080Ti price their motto was "you pay for the extra performance".
Well, wanting and needing are two very different things. I want a 2080ti level of performance, but do I need it? :p

whatever can provide a capped 100fps average at 1080p hdr with all the major whistles on will be enough for most, laptop or desktop.

A liquid cooled 1080ti with 120% power cap gets us there (sans Ray Tracing) we just need to be able to make it fairly quiet by significantly reducing the power draw with a 7nm alternative and i think AMD will do it within the next 12 months.

Once this market is cracked the battleground becomes on edge cases such as VR, 1440p, 4k and others.

Then it becomes really interesting because for the first time ever(?) we will have a situation where a lower-end card will be all that is required for an exceptional 1080p gaming experience.
Exactly. Many criticize AMD for the 5700XT price at $450 MSRP, yet they forget that 2070 has $500 MSRP and the 2070 FE $600.

When we argued last October about the 2080/2080Ti price their motto was "you pay for the extra performance".
This is rubbish. Nobody has forgotten nV's pricing and nobody is giving them a free ride for it.

Rubbish, and again pure opinion/speculation without anything substantial (quotes from either person?) to back it up.

You're right we're never going to get anyone to confirm how it went down but my opinion is based on common sense & knowing how things work in any business, If you choose to ignore the facts we do know that's up to you but everything points to his being sacked, There's the sudden sabbatical straight after the Vega release, The flak AMD was recieving on & after the Vega release were all down to how he handled things & the decisions he made in the 2 years leading up to it's release, If his leaving Radeon was a planned event there would have been someone ready to take his place, but there wasn't Lisa Su had to stand in while they found someone to fill the vacancy, That is not what happens during a planned staff change especially not for the top spot. You can believe what you want as will I knowing the facts speak for themselves, Raja Koduri lost his job with Radeon because of his own ineptitude.
This is rubbish. Nobody has forgotten nV's pricing and nobody is giving them a free ride for it.


Maybe, but if people are still buying, then what good is this criticism? If you pay the premium, then you're saying that it's acceptable. That's the message these companies are getting, and they will continue to push the boundaries as long as the money keeps coming.

We need the new generation of consoles to arrive and start competing with PC, because if this gouging continues, consoles might actually become the more attractive option for everyone but the most diehard enthusiasts.
You're right we're never going to get anyone to confirm how it went down but my opinion is based on common sense & knowing how things work in any business, If you choose to ignore the facts we do know that's up to you but everything points to his being sacked, There's the sudden sabbatical straight after the Vega release, The flak AMD was recieving on & after the Vega release were all down to how he handled things & the decisions he made in the 2 years leading up to it's release, If his leaving Radeon was a planned event there would have been someone ready to take his place, but there wasn't Lisa Su had to stand in while they found someone to fill the vacancy, That is not what happens during a planned staff change especially not for the top spot. You can believe what you want as will I knowing the facts speak for themselves, Raja Koduri lost his job with Radeon because of his own ineptitude.
:confused: How can the 'facts speak for themselves' if you dont know the ACTUAL facts behind his departure and move? He might have been poached by Intel long ago and he was just biding his time and making sure he could pilfer as many trade secrets as possible. Anyhow real reasons are probably tightly locked behind an NDA so we will have to wait for his or Su's memoirs to be published to find the truth.
Maybe, but if people are still buying, then what good is this criticism? If you pay the premium, then you're saying that it's acceptable. That's the message these companies are getting, and they will continue to push the boundaries as long as the money keeps coming.

We need the new generation of consoles to arrive and start competing with PC, because if this gouging continues, consoles might actually become the more attractive option for everyone but the most diehard enthusiasts.


The latest leak puts the PS5 GPU performance above a Vega64 or GTX1080.

So an 8C/16T Ryzen 2 CPU and perhaps RTX2070 or RX5700XT performance?? The score is apparently over 4 times higher than the original PS4.
Maybe, but if people are still buying, then what good is this criticism? If you pay the premium, then you're saying that it's acceptable. That's the message these companies are getting, and they will continue to push the boundaries as long as the money keeps coming.

We need the new generation of consoles to arrive and start competing with PC, because if this gouging continues, consoles might actually become the more attractive option for everyone but the most diehard enthusiasts.
Well I'm in no danger of buying any nV cards any time soon, I can assure you. Despite being an "nVidia shill" (I get that a lot :p)

And yes, the PS5 is going to be massively interesting for me, when it releases. (The ShooterBox, not so much :p)
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