Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 29th March 2007

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News 15th - 29th March 2007

Following the lack of news last week this is a 2-week edition, where needed for comparison I have averaged the 2 weeks though where raw stats are involved I've left the figures alone.
I won't be going through changing all the wording so apologies to any pedantic folk out there :D

Current Team Position: 32nd
Current Team Score: 38,608,527
Crunched This Week: 1,652,670 (24hr avg. 118,048)
Change from Last Week: +34,515 (per week)

Next on the stomping horizon

29 Team ABIT - 73 days (-38 days)
28 Portugal@Folding - 70 days (-25 days)
26 The Knights Who Say Ni! - 58 days (-21 days)
27 General [M]ayhem - 57 days (-20 days)
31 - 3 days (-14 days)

Teams stomped this week


Ones to keep an eye on

228 2ch@PS3 - 122 days
53 Team 2ch - 10.6 years (just incase)

we are now ranked 18th in team production :o

This Week's Top Dumpers

1 . sculptor(OcUK) - 132,383
2 . Whitestar (LigerZero) - 103,416
3 . growse - 86,155
4 . hornytoe - 81,475
5 . Bigstan - 80,383
6 . Babyface_UK - 63,304
7 . snapsh0t - 62,528
8 . Gazzza - 53,698
9 . magman - 51,122
10 . Neil - 49,319
11 . _Berserker_ - 45,183
12 . 2bullish - 39,751
13 . DreederOcUK - 39,381
14 . Dunc - 36,284
15 . Unforgiven - 34,577
16 . jaric - 33,027
17 . vent - 32,951
18 . dangerousdave - 30,507
19 . Steevo38_(OcUK) - 30,358
20 . lemonman - 27,561
21 . Cob - 27,292
22 . feriso - 21,148
23 . diogenese - 20,263
24 . mikeymike - 19,321
25 . StevenG[OCUK] - 17,126
26 . Concorde_Rules - 16,576
27 . JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 16,427
28 . Borged_by_MGP - 15,599
29 . penfold - 14,707
30 . Huddy - 13,949
31 . rich99million - 13,276
32 . polandro - 12,977
33 . lightning512 - 12,301
34 . SiriusB_[OcUK] - 11,888
35 . deej - 11,204
36 . sr4470 - 10,214
37 . KE1HA - 9,658
38 . LordShadow - 9,196
39 . OcUK_Stelly - 9,150
40 . BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 9,046
41 . Buxx - 8,815
42 . oceaness - 8,625
43 . Lowe - 7,941
44 . Pilgrim57 - 7,726
45 . kinnison - 7,518
46 . FatRakoon - 6,099
47 . Sadgeek - 6,031

48 . br - 5,810
49 . marktime - 5,654
50 . Wozz - 5,478
51 . DarkendViper - 5,358
52 . A_N_Other - 5,248
53 . ken1307 - 5,062
54 . Windle - 4,957
55 . dr.who - 4,578
56 . PS3 - 4,285
57 . Rincin - 4,184
58 . BigDom - 4,073
59 . Mattus - 4,058
60 . Joe42 - 4,029
61 . mark001282 - 3,809
62 . duggyruss - 3,806
63 . Anewbe4u - 3,558
64 . RD - 3,283
65 . dan7827 - 3,240
66 . joebobslappy - 3,226
67 . cokecan72 - 3,206
68 . WoZZeR - 3,191
69 . verbal - 3,065
70 . smalls74 - 2,963
71 . Sammael(OcUK) - 2,892
72 . aXeR - 2,858
73 . Hugo - 2,772
74 . OcUKWildweasel - 2,530
75 . happytechie - 2,347
76 . Dean_Vile - 2,316
77 . LigerZer - 2,313
78 . chadrochelle - 2,311
79 . Psycho_Sonny - 2,107
80 . RobOC - 2,094
81 . davejuk - 2,070

82 . casale - 1,925
83 . pmbuzz - 1,850
84 . divinemadness - 1,848
85 . TheCrow - 1,848
86 . froggy - 1,779
87 . Freefaller - 1,762
88 . jskendall - 1,760
89 . _Viking_ - 1,745
90 . Elston - 1,660
91 . piggott - 1,615
92 . platypus - 1,564
93 . orderoftheflame - 1,558
94 . FTW - 1,508
95 . FizzyLogic - 1,497
96 . benneh - 1,456
97 . Zymurgy - 1,347
98 . Snapshot - 1,324
99 . darkaber - 1,211
100 . NOIR - 1,211
101 . lemonan - 1,162
102 . Garp - 1,083
103 . [OcUK]Cybershot - 1,061

104 . uk_viper - 978
105 . iBot - 974
106 . Ever - 971
107 . shady - 956
108 . jeremysmith123 - 950
109 . Poolybit - 930
110 . ElRazurr - 924
111 . Ricko - 872
112 . Mort - 861
113 . MudSpider - 861
114 . Carnage - 806
115 . MonishaLuvsRincin - 784
116 . Anonymous - 773
117 . Galifrey - 765
118 . Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 765
119 . Haly - 745
120 . Saetia - 745
121 . Assasin-uk - 744
122 . jidh007 - 732
123 . Corran - 688
124 . Nathan_Gaskin - 654
125 . carzybigfoot - 635
126 . Uggeh - 617
127 . Tumbler^ - 616
128 . kurt - 589
129 . Gunda 582
130 . KarLiTTo 574
131 . Mike 574
132 . PS3LIAM858 574
133 . Appleby 559
134 . Trick 559
135 . sagaboy2 558
136 . Jam0r 526
137 . aceface57 478
138 . blitz2163 465
139 . Dunky 459
140 . monkeygremlin 459
141 . Steedie 449
142 . Andrew 396
143 . duouk2000 396
144 . Prescott28 396
145 . sp217147 396
146 . SquAmy 396
147 . CSO2_B0rked 373
148 . Energize 373
149 . xyphic 373
150 . Jagman2k 372
151 . radhakrishnan 372
152 . JRisner 350
153 . Russbot 350
154 . FISHGUTS 327
155 . Beni 302
156 . ca9phoenix(ocuk) 302
157 . Max 302
158 . -[OcUK]-Xplo 292
159 . dazsly 287
160 . jonboy1518 287
161 . meths 287
162 . Power.Smash 287
163 . RECARO 287
164 . the_dead_parrot 287
165 . TitusPullo 287
166 . ZGMF-X10A 287
167 . xZIBIT 257
168 . JackWolk 242
169 . Napalm 228
170 . [madoldtory] 186
171 . Adnams_Drinker 186
172 . Brown_Sparrow 186
173 . DemonFolding 186
174 . DiG 186
175 . Dun 186
176 . Hamza 186
177 . justinwilkin 186
178 . K.C.Leblanc 186
179 . Klo 186
180 . Paul_Holliday 186
181 . radakrishnan 186
182 . Silent_Bob 186
183 . MadFruit 76
184 . steve 75
185 . R0551 73
186 . Freakish_05 47
187 . SUIRAM 13
188 . DevilsGT2 12

Single Machine Folding League

Colour Key: MultiCore/MultiCPU, SingleCore, Unclarified

1 . Unforgiven - 34,577
2 . dangerousdave - 30,507
3 . Cob - 27,292
4 . StevenG[OCUK] - 17,126
5 . Concorde_Rules - 16,576
6 . JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 16,427
7 . Borged_by_MGP - 15,599
8 . LordShadow - 9,196
9 . OcUK_Stelly - 9,150
10 . Pilgrim57 - 7,726
11 . Sadgeek - 6,031
12 . marktime - 5,654
13 . ken1307 - 5,062
14 . Rincin - 4,184
15 . WoZZeR - 3,191
16 . LigerZer - 2,313
17 . pmbuzz - 1,850
18 . divinemadness - 1,848
19 . _Viking_ - 1,745
20 . platypus - 1,564
21 . Zymurgy - 1,347
22 . lemonan - 1,162
23 . Carnage - 806
24 . MonishaLuvsRincin - 784
25 . Andrew - 396
26 . CSO2_B0rked - 373
27 . Jagman2k - 372
28 . DemonFolding - 186
29 . MadFruit - 76

This Week's Top Stompers

Windle - 542
PS3 - 533
mark001282 - 524
Anewbe4u - 514
RD - 508
joebobslappy - 503
WoZZeR - 500
smalls74 - 489
Hugo - 484
chadrochelle - 460
jskendall - 425
platypus - 411
NOIR - 391
darkaber - 390
jeremysmith123 - 361
ElRazurr - 359
Mort - 353
MudSpider - 352
Anonymous - 343
carzybigfoot - 327
Uggeh - 323
kurt - 315
KarLiTTo - 313
PS3LIAM858 - 312
Steedie - 287
Russbot - 264
JRisner - 263
Beni - 248
ca9phoenix(ocuk) - 247
ZGMF-X10A - 240
Power.Smash - 239
RECARO - 238
meths - 237
TitusPullo - 236
the_dead_parrot - 235
dazsly - 234
jonboy1518 - 233
JackWolk - 223
Hamza - 187
K.C.Leblanc - 186
justinwilkin - 185
TheCrow - 145
OcUK_Stelly - 59
orderoftheflame - 57
MonishaLuvsRincin - 44
duouk2000 - 38
LigerZer - 37
davejuk - 27
dan7827 - 15
Mike - 15
snapsh0t - 15
Lowe - 11
cokecan72 - 10
monkeygremlin - 10
Nathan_Gaskin - 10
jaric - 9
[OcUK]Cybershot - 8
dangerousdave - 8
FizzyLogic - 8
Garp - 8
mikeymike - 8
Snapshot - 8
sp217147 - 8
Jam0r - 7
Neil - 7
Andrew - 6
jidh007 - 6
benneh - 5
divinemadness - 5
Energize - 5
xyphic - 5
lemonan - 4
lemonman - 4
Psycho_Sonny - 4
Tumbler^ - 4
Zymurgy - 4
Assasin-uk - 3
Cob - 3
Dunky - 3
Elston - 3
Ever - 3
Jagman2k - 3
magman - 3
Pilgrim57 - 3
Poolybit - 3
radhakrishnan - 3
SquAmy - 3
Wozz - 3
_Viking_ - 2
FatRakoon - 2
JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 2
Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 2
ken1307 - 2
marktime - 2
Max - 2
radakrishnan - 2
StevenG[OCUK] - 2
uk_viper - 2
Unforgiven - 2
-[OcUK]-Xplo - 1
2bullish - 1
Babyface_UK - 1
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 1
Brown_Sparrow - 1
Buxx - 1
Carnage - 1
deej - 1
DreederOcUK - 1
feriso - 1
Gazzza - 1
growse - 1
LordShadow - 1
penfold - 1
R0551 - 1
SiriusB_[OcUK] - 1
sr4470 - 1

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

Whitestar (LigerZero) - 3,000,000
sculptor(OcUK) - 2,900,000
Bigstan - 1,200,000
hornytoe - 975,000
growse - 850,000
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 800,000
_Berserker_ - 725,000
rich99million - 675,000
Dunc - 600,000
magman - 600,000
Babyface_UK - 550,000
Gazzza - 550,000
vent - 475,000
DreederOcUK - 450,000
kinnison - 375,000
Neil - 375,000
Concorde_Rules - 350,000
lemonman - 350,000
diogenese - 325,000
2bullish - 300,000
lightning512 - 275,000
Unforgiven - 275,000
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 250,000
SiriusB_[OcUK] - 225,000
snapsh0t - 225,000
A_N_Other - 200,000
Cob - 200,000
StevenG[OCUK] - 180,000
dangerousdave - 140,000
feriso - 140,000
jaric - 140,000
oceaness - 140,000
penfold - 140,000
Rincin - 120,000
sr4470 - 120,000
Dean_Vile - 100,000
FatRakoon - 100,000
Buxx - 90,000
mikeymike - 80,000
Pilgrim57 - 80,000
ken1307 - 60,000
iBot - 40,000
Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 40,000
Lowe - 40,000
divinemadness - 25,000
Napalm - 25,000
dan7827 - 20,000
Poolybit - 20,000
OcUK_Stelly - 15,000
[OcUK]Cybershot - 10,000
jidh007 - 10,000
Snapshot - 10,000
davejuk - 7,500
Jam0r - 7,500
LigerZer - 5,000
Andrew - 2,500
Anewbe4u - 2,500
Hugo - 2,500
joebobslappy - 2,500
mark001282 - 2,500
orderoftheflame - 2,500
PS3 - 2,500
RD - 2,500
smalls74 - 2,500
Windle - 2,500
WoZZeR - 2,500
chadrochelle - 1,000
darkaber - 1,000
jskendall - 1,000
MonishaLuvsRincin - 1,000
NOIR - 1,000
platypus - 1,000
TheCrow - 1,000

Congrats to all the Tiffy-Kat winners :cool:

This Week's New Members

PS3 - (6 active clients)

48 new members if you count the 6 with "PS3" seperately :eek:

A great big warm welcome to the team!
If you haven't done so already then why not check out the Folding@Home Setup Guide and the Quickie Guide for more foldy-tastic tips especially for when you're in a rush

Well I hope it was worth waiting 2 weeks for :p
My apologies again for the lack of news last week - normal weekly service will resume.
It's amazing to see so many new members - a welcome boost even if many do seem to have just tried it out for a single WU - it all helps after all though it'd be even nicer if they stayed
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now

***Only got one machine crunching? - Have a looky here***

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 20:10 GMT March 15th and 19:20 BST March 29th

Previous Weeks' News:
March 15th, March 8th, March 1st, February 22nd, February 15th, February 8th, February 1st, January 25th, January 18th, January 11th, January 4th

2006 News Archives:
December 28th, December 21st, December 14th, December 7th, November 30th, November 23rd, November 16th, November 9th, November 2nd, October 26th, October 19th, October 12th, October 5th, September 28th, September 21st, September 14th, September 7th, August 31st, August 24th, August 17th, August 10th, August 3rd, July 27th, July 20th, July 13th, July 6th, June 29th, June 22nd, June 15th, June 8th, June 2nd, May 26th, May 19th, May 12th, May 5th, April 28th, April 21st, April 14th, April 7th, March 31st, March 24th, March 17th, March 10th, March 3rd, February 24th, February 17th, February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th

Single Machine Crunchers:
Andrew, Borged_by_MGP, br83taylor, Carnage, Cob, Concorde_Rules, CSO2_B0rked, dangerousdave, DemonFolding, divinemadness, Jagman2k, JoeyJoJo(OcUK), Kappa, ken1307, lemonan, LigerZer, Limehaus, LordShadow, Lucifersam, MadFruit, marktime, mentalo, MonishaLuvsRincin, OcUK_Stelly, Pilgrim57, platypus, pmbuzz, Pumpkinstew, Rincin, sr4470, Sadgeek, StevenG[OCUK], Unforgiven, Viking, WoZZeR, Zefan, Zip, Zymurgy ...
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kinnison said:
Where did my 375,000 tiffy go?? Either I got it this fortnight, or last.. but I looking at the weekly news for 2 weeks ago, and I didn't get it then either! <boohoo> :(

fixed - sorry about that :o

There were so many tiffies this week I think I went a bit tiffy-blind after the first 40 or so :p
2bullish said:
BTW what percentage difference did you find between linux and windows smp as I didnt see much difference on a 4800+
I would say there are a few good reasons to go Linux if you have the option.

1. Far more stable client
2. Lower CPU usage yet just as good (if not better) throughput - less heat with the better weather coming
3. Avoid those damn p2610 WUs that are bogging down even C2D machines
4. Infinitely cheaper in terms of licensing

Wheras the only reasons for picking the Windows SMP client are to help with the beta testing and access to other windows-based applications/games if you need them
mikeymike said:
Anyone noticed we now have 3 teams catching us?

2ch@PS3 / 3.6 Months
Team 2ch / 5.3 Years Forum Team / 17.9 Years
make that 4 now - and those ETAs are dropping all the time :o

2ch@PS3 / 3.1 Months
Team 2ch / 5.7 Years Forum Team / 7.7 Years
PS3 Forums / 13.9 Years

though on the plus side our increased output has us catching 5 teams in the next 2 months! :cool:
divine_madness said:
What are the chances of the PS3 clients WUs having their value reconsidered and lowered? :p
I'd say pretty slim really - Stanford will want to keep their new pool of crunchers happy :o :p

I was very close to buying a load of AGP X1950Pro cards earlier - sooo very tempting :eek:
SiriusB said:
So assuming the two C2D rigs shadow has are similar [other than CPU speed] the above seems to show that the Linux SMP client gives a huge advantage over the Windows SMP client.
Nope I'd say more likely it shows that a highly overclocked machine with a nice WU on the Linux client will hugely outproduce a stock machine with a horrid WU (p2610 most likely) on the windows client.

Here's some results for my X2 at the same settings:

Project : 2605
Core : Gromacs SMP
Frames : 100
Credit : 1760

-- X2-SMP(Linux64) --

Min. Time / Frame : 26mn 55s - 941.57 ppd
Avg. Time / Frame : 27mn 47s - 912.20 ppd

Project : 2610
Core : Gromacs SMP
Frames : 100
Credit : 1523

-- X2-SMP(Win32) --

Min. Time / Frame : 39mn 17s - 558.28 ppd
Avg. Time / Frame : 40mn 41s - 539.07 ppd

Project : 2651
Core : Gromacs SMP
Frames : 100
Credit : 1760

-- X2-SMP(Win32) --

Min. Time / Frame : 26mn 36s - 952.78 ppd
Avg. Time / Frame : 27mn 31s - 921.04 ppd

Project : 2652
Core : Gromacs SMP
Frames : 100
Credit : 1148

-- X2-SMP(Win32) --

Min. Time / Frame : 19mn 41s - 839.86 ppd
Avg. Time / Frame : 20mn 25s - 809.69 ppd

You'll see the biggest difference is caused by the p2610 WU rather than anything else.
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SiriusB said:
OK fair enough. I know nothing of these horrible WinSMP WUs you speak of so didn't factor it in. My bad :o
They're horrid I tell thee :p

They need lots of cache and they also thrive on bandwidth from high clocks - unfortunately the benchmark machine has plenty of both wheras an X2 3800 doesn't have a lot of either :o
Steevo38 said:
Second one on the trot like this. :(

Do you think it's the client or just a run of dodgy wu's?
I'd say it's something wrong with the client/core personally

Peter Kasson who is responsible for WinSMP says this:
kasson said:
These errors are NOT simulation errors; they are likely local file corruption errors. Therefore the server does not remove the WU from circulation. We are looking into this error.

I would not recommend ditching subsequent downloads (this will have negative consequences for both your folding and the project).
shadowscotland said:
Busted - no more crunching on the server for me (was only 200-400ppd but still) Our external IT people just connect up to have a look around as we're looking at adding some extra storage space to the server and:

Answer: yes...Doh!
Edit: It was crunching a single large standard WU at the time, and useing well over 100mb of ram (of the 2Gb available)
unlucky - hope you don't get in any trouble over it :o

odd that a single core WU could make the server slow and unresponsive though - surely there's more to the server than that :confused:

edit: I suppose with it's normal work load and running the remote desktop doobrie could have made it slow alongside FAH, must be some awfully low-priority setting on the remote access though :p
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shadowscotland said:
Edit: whats people take on the windows resources issue (if any)?
Well FAH is designed to share resources - it wouldn't get very far if it didn't give up the resources when needed. I'm no techie but I'm sure the issue would have been raised long ago if the standard client wasn't working like it should
shadowscotland said:
But it's not installed on my server - its just running on it (that even sound the same to me) anyway remembering back in task manager it would never drop below 25% (duel HT xeon) and with three WU's running it was 3x25% so I'm thinking he's got a point.
Maybe he is right then - I can't remember having that problem with it but maybe the way it's set up on that machine means it doesn't back down. Either way if it's affecting the server then I guess it has to go anyway - shame but as long as you're not in trouble it's all good :)

...and lol I hadn't noticed this was an old thread - it got bumped the other day, there'll be a new one tomorrow anyway so... whatever :p
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