Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 2nd November 2006

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News 26th October - 2nd November 2006

Current Team Position: 44th
Current Team Score: 23,940,221
Crunched This Week: 655,986 (24hr avg. 93,157)
Change from Last Week: +57,638

Next on the stomping horizon

37 - 44 days (-14 days)
39 Fórum PCs Brasil - 41 days (-17 days)
40 Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere - 37 days (-23 days)
41 Vietnam Global Team - 33 days (-12 days)
42 Team PimpRig - 26 days (-15 days)
43 The Team - 5 days (-9 days)

Teams stomped this week


Ones to keep an eye on

still none at current production :cool:

This Week's Top Dumpers

1 . LigerZero - 89,589
2 . sculptor(OcUK) - 48,463
3 . growse - 39,079
4 . Bigstan - 30,850
5 . Borged_by_MGP - 22,919
6 . magman - 20,817
7 . Babyface_UK - 16,547
8 . lemonman - 14,319
9 . bam0 - 14,299
10 . Buxx - 11,091
11 . hornytoe - 11,041
12 . KE1HA - 10,942
13 . vent - 9,684
14 . br - 9,645
15 . Steevo38_(OcUK) - 9,496
16 . polandro - 9,203
17 . Dunc - 8,989
18 . lightning512 - 8,967
19 . _Berserker_ - 8,821
20 . rich99million - 8,540
21 . Freefaller - 8,495
22 . 2bullish - 8,423
23 . Appleby - 8,422
24 . Huddy - 7,684
25 . DreederOcUK - 7,548
26 . SiriusB_[OcUK] - 7,058
27 . froggy - 6,688
28 . Concorde_Rules - 6,575
29 . deej - 6,389
30 . BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 6,333
31 . Unforgiven - 6,256
32 . Trick - 5,660
33 . piggott - 5,507
34 . Cob - 5,055
35 . chicogb - 4,998
36 . duggyruss - 4,874
37 . Gazzza - 4,159
38 . Joe42 - 4,158
39 . dr.who - 4,128
40 . Ken - 4,029
41 . marktime - 3,765
42 . mikeymike - 3,694
43 . LordShadow - 3,629
44 . RobOC - 3,625
45 . BigDom - 3,598
46 . oceaness - 3,503
47 . Otacon - 3,490
48 . the_running_man21 - 3,489
49 . FTW - 3,324
50 . verbal - 3,290
51 . shady - 3,288

52 . Rincin - 2,859
53 . Neil - 2,829
54 . OcUKWildweasel - 2,662
55 . Prescott28 - 2,620
56 . Corran - 2,515
57 . Dean_Vile - 2,434
58 . aXeR - 2,420
59 . Stormrider(OcUK) - 2,343
60 . Elston - 2,223
61 . Andy_113 - 2,215
62 . TheTross - 2,199
63 . nikebee - 2,183
64 . blitz2163 - 2,179
65 . diogenese - 2,038
66 . FatRakoon - 1,946
67 . Pilgrim57 - 1,939
68 . Saetia - 1,907
69 . lee87 - 1,784
70 . A_N_Other - 1,777
71 . ken1307 - 1,756
72 . JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 1,673
73 . Beenom - 1,672
74 . sr4470 - 1,528
75 . pikeypriest - 1,365
76 . Mikebert4 - 1,353
77 . aceface57 - 1,330
78 . MadFruit - 1,322
79 . iBot - 1,302
80 . casale - 1,234
81 . _Viking_ - 1,200
82 . DiG - 1,200
83 . bossk128 - 1,195
84 . Zefan - 1,156
85 . happytechie - 1,081
86 . mgncdarkangel - 1,081
87 . Brown_Sparrow - 1,016
88 . FizzyLogic - 1,015

89 . DarkArtz - 996
90 . proplus - 961
91 . pi31415926535 - 906
92 . divinemadness - 867
93 . pmbuzz - 781
94 . feriso - 780
95 . Walter_Anderson - 760
96 . xZIBIT - 760
97 . locrian - 753
98 . Zip - 753
99 . Psycho_Sonny - 704
100 . MetalGuru - 691
101 . Klo - 687
102 . [madoldtory] - 600
103 . Ever - 600
104 . jidh007 - 600
105 . Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 600
106 . Mattus - 600
107 . br83taylor - 555
108 . StevenG[OCUK] - 532
109 . cokecan72 - 526
110 . Haly - 526
111 . Fatiain - 491
112 . fusion99 - 476
113 . borgduncombe - 459
114 . DarkendViper - 459
115 . Gunda - 396
116 . Jam0r - 396
117 . kinnison - 396
118 . lemonan - 396
119 . MaxPower - 396
120 . Sammael(OcUK) - 396
121 . Tumbler^ - 396
122 . zissiadis_ilias - 396
123 . R0551 - 392
124 . Energize - 373
125 . penfold - 373
126 . ToLearn - 364
127 . Plasmoid - 346
128 . andrew_slater - 306
129 . Quacky - 306
130 . RossOCUK - 306
131 . catman05 - 226
132 . Broon - 193
133 . -[OcUK]-Xplo - 153
134 . Adnams_Drinker - 153
135 . bmjames - 153
136 . Clapp - 153
137 . gw0lgn - 153
138 . Nathan_Gaskin - 153
139 . Ricko - 153
140 . Ross - 153

Single Machine Folding League

Colour Key: MultiCore/MultiCPU, SingleCore, Unclarified

1 . Concorde_Rules - 6,575
2 . Unforgiven - 6,256
3 . Cob - 5,055
4 . chicogb - 4,998
5 . marktime - 3,765
6 . LordShadow - 3,629
7 . Rincin - 2,859
8 . Stormrider(OcUK) - 2,343
9 . nikebee - 2,183
10 . Pilgrim57 - 1,939
11 . lee87 - 1,784
12 . ken1307 - 1,756
13 . Beenom - 1,672
14 . sr4470 - 1,528
15 . pikeypriest - 1,365
16 . Mikebert4 - 1,353
17 . MadFruit - 1,322
18 . _Viking_ - 1,200
19 . Zefan - 1,156
20 . happytechie - 1,081
21 . divinemadness - 867
22 . pmbuzz - 781
23 . Zip - 753
24 . br83taylor - 555
25 . StevenG[OCUK] - 532
26 . cokecan72 - 526
27 . lemonan - 396
28 . MaxPower - 396
29 . ToLearn - 364
30 . Plasmoid - 346
31 . Adnams_Drinker - 153

This Week's Top Stompers

feriso - 312
fusion99 - 109
bossk128 - 76
zissiadis_ilias - 67
FizzyLogic - 61
nikebee - 50
pikeypriest - 44
pi31415926535 - 32
Borged_by_MGP - 31
mikeymike - 31
Buxx - 27
Klo - 25
proplus - 24
LordShadow - 23
marktime - 23
Mikebert4 - 23
Brown_Sparrow - 19
ken1307 - 19
Saetia - 19
Ever - 17
Clapp - 16
FTW - 16
Nathan_Gaskin - 16
DarkArtz - 15
mgncdarkangel - 14
RossOCUK - 14
Zefan - 13
borgduncombe - 11
Energize - 11
bmjames - 10
Jam0r - 10
MadFruit - 9
Neil - 9
ToLearn - 9
growse - 8
Ross - 8
chicogb - 7
Cob - 7
divinemadness - 7
iBot - 7
-[OcUK]-Xplo - 6
_Viking_ - 6
br83taylor - 6
andrew_slater - 5
Unforgiven - 5
deej - 4
DiG - 4
lee87 - 4
Zip - 4
2bullish - 3
Adnams_Drinker - 3
cokecan72 - 3
oceaness - 3
R0551 - 3
SiriusB_[OcUK] - 3
bam0 - 2
br - 2
DreederOcUK - 2
Freefaller - 2
OcUKWildweasel - 2
Andy_113 - 1
Babyface_UK - 1
Bigstan - 1
Dean_Vile - 1
duggyruss - 1
gw0lgn - 1
Joe42 - 1
JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 1
KE1HA - 1
lemonan - 1
magman - 1
MaxPower - 1
polandro - 1
Psycho_Sonny - 1
RobOC - 1
sculptor(OcUK) - 1
Tumbler^ - 1
vent - 1
xZIBIT - 1

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

Whitestar (LigerZero) - 1,800,000
sculptor(OcUK) - 1,550,000
hornytoe - 550,000
Bigstan - 525,000
KE1HA - 500,000
rich99million - 500,000
Babyface_UK - 250,000
bam0 - 200,000
Ken - 200,000
lemonman - 180,000
growse - 160,000
Freefaller - 70,000
SiriusB_[OcUK] - 60,000
TheTross - 60,000
2bullish - 50,000
Borged_by_MGP - 50,000
Pilgrim57 - 40,000
Beenom - 30,000
Buxx - 30,000
Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 30,000
chicogb - 20,000
FTW - 15,000
MadFruit - 15,000
_Viking_ - 10,000
mikeymike - 10,000
Saetia - 7,500
Zefan - 7,500
borgduncombe - 5,000
Brown_Sparrow - 5,000
DarkArtz - 5,000
Mikebert4 - 5,000
Klo - 2,500
pi31415926535 - 2,500
pikeypriest - 2,500
ToLearn - 2,500

Congrats to all the Tiffy-Kat winners :cool:

This Week's New Members


A great big warm welcome to the team! :)
If you haven't done so already then why not check out the Folding@Home Setup Guide and the Quickie Guide for more foldy-tastic tips especially for when you're in a rush

Well we sure showed those neighbours a thing or two anyway, way to go team :cool:
I felt with such a good week it's only fair that everyone deserved a mention :)
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now

***Only got one machine crunching? - Have a looky here***

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 19:45 (BST) October 26th and 19:40 (GMT) November 2nd

Previous Weeks' News:
October 26th, October 19th, October 12th, October 5th, September 28th, September 21st, September 14th, September 7th, August 31st, August 24th, August 17th, August 10th, August 3rd, July 27th, July 20th, July 13th, July 6th, June 29th, June 22nd, June 15th, June 8th, June 2nd, May 26th, May 19th, May 12th, May 5th, April 28th, April 21st, April 14th, April 7th, March 31st, March 24th, March 17th, March 10th, March 3rd, February 24th, February 17th, February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th

2005 News Archives:
December 30th, December 23rd, December 16th, December 9th, November 25th, November 18th, November 11th, November 4th, October 28th, October 21st, October 14th, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th

Single Machine Crunchers:
8_I3ALL, Adnams_Drinker, alonso, Bean0, Beenom, br83taylor, chicogb, chronicfathead, Cob, cokecan72, Concorde_Rules, dead_martyr, divinemadness, Duke, happytechie, Kaed, ken1307, LavaMonkey, lee87, Leftfieldtilt, lemonan, LordShadow, lucifersam, MadFruit, MattBrown, marktime, MaxPower, Mikebert4, nellystew, nikebee, orderoftheflame, pikeypriest, Pilgrim57, Plasmoid, pmbuzz, Pumpkinstew, Rincin, sr4470, StevenG[OCUK], Stormrider(OcUK), TinkerBell, ToLearn, Unforgiven, Viking, XFi, Zefan, Zip ...
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Look at the trend line!!!

Wow, up AGAIN! team, amazing. Helped by more x1900s no doubt, and the epic production of whitestar, sculptor, top 5 really.

Keep building on it team, 100k soon! And it wasn't long ago that 50k was the big target :)

Do you get mayo with that sandwich? :D
Another good week for team 10 \o/ We should have a stomp for next weeks news.

Not as good a week as last week for me. Got off to a good start but been getting crap WUs most of the week so output is down by about 500 ppd :(
Also, my Opty 170 has decided to start playing up and is currently not on :o - I'll get it looked at tomorrow as I cba tonight.

As always, thanks to Rich for the news and a warm foldy welcome to the newcomers :)

Fold on team 10.

Stan :)
*Giggles insanely*

The 4 opteron cores are going to be off for most of this week. Back in service the week after though! :)
Thanks for the news. Excellent week. :)

Got my opty running 24/7 finally, since last sunday.
Since its the perfect weather for it, i overclocked my media center, up by 200mhz before it started getting too hot. With a new cooler i reckon it might go up 500mhz. Thats on 24/7 aswell.
I'm going to put my opty back to 2.5 soon which is as high as it seems to go. Need the heat tbh, its 1.2 degrees outside atm.

Just stomped Penfold, as promised.

A tentative parp to RobOC, all things considered i might just be in a position to stomp you.

And Mr SiriusB, i'm still waiting for my promised stomp... ;)

From a team perspective, everyone in the top 20 is crunchers is now a nice red colour, and we're on the verge of breaking the 100,000 average ppd mark. Well done everyone, keep it up.
rich99million said:
Garlic Mayo perhaps

Awesome! Best filling EVA! ;) Aren't you lucky being between us ;)

Dammit, I thought I'd get ahead of you this week - I think THIS week, will be mine :p I'm trying to aim for 9k a week, but this may require a bit of tweaking - still I'm up on last week so things are going in the right direction

Great progress - our trend line is rising hard and fast like a geek's loins in front of Loaded magazine...

Great crunching Team 10 - in a few weeks we'll be in the top 40 and moving on up! :cool:
TheTross said:
I swear we get better every week :cool:
We do, the "Change from Last Week:" is always green :D

That was a better week from me
46 . oceaness - 3,503
No doubt the 2.1ghz E6300 is partly to blame (limited by motherboard :( )

And I've had my machines back on a little.
Freefaller said:
Great crunching Team 10 - in a few weeks we'll be in the top 40 and moving on up! :cool:
Just spotted that we'll be stomping in about 5 days.

So, from all here at Team OCUK, a friendly parp to all folding for :p

Edit: I'm going to be updating the quick guide again, with the new folding ppd benchmarks.
Awful week for me. 1 600 pointer (510ppd), rest (5) have been all amber units giving 150-180 ppd.

Why dont they make the ppd system more comparative from WU to WU?
Because they take different lengths of time, use different amounts of memory, different cores, sse/sse2, some are freaks and are double for no reason etc. :)
New catalyst 6.10 driver out today with official support for the gpu client, anyone tried it?

Wondering if i should update the quick guide while i'm on.

I've added a benchmarks section and am updating the folding myths a little, plus a few other things perhaps. The quick guide can be found here.

Also need to make a new sig, lack of photoshop skills are limiting my imagination.

Edit: Does anyone know if there is a way to force this forum software not to ignore tabs and spaces? Currently it ignores any more than 1. Would be useful for a few things in the quick guide.
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Okay week for me, at least I still managed to drop 7k which means my PPD is around 1k. Really could do with upping my output as it wasn't too long ago I was hitting the 1200-1300PPD mark.

The lack of 600 pointers seems to be the main culprit. I may change one of my home rigs back to -advmethods and see what I get.

With the SLC so graciously sending me 850 quid I will be upgrading current system and getting file server sooner than even I thought. I am still trying to work out what to do though...

Once I upgrade to a C2D I will have a 4400+, DFI Ultra-D and 2GB OCZ going spare. I think all that is a little much for a file server for the home... but then again I am tempted to stick the 4400+ in my brothers PC [replacing his 3700+] and maybe even dropping my RAM into his machine.

Gah decisions decisions! I know, I am gonna put it to the vote:

a: Sell the bits and buy some cheaper parts
b: Keep em and use them in the file server
c: Keep em and swap them for bro's CPU and RAM
d: <insert alternative>

Great news as always Mr Millions. Great work everyone, especially you people who are about to bend me over and insert a large quivering appendage*


*Your stomping foot! :D
I'm in the same boat Mr Sirius.
Trying to decide if its worth putting the opty in the fileserver and getting a c2d...
I do have a 3200+ in my media centre which could go in the fileserver and the opty could go in the media centre but that would mean swapping cpus (as the media canter is mAtx) which would be a pain.

Perhaps another option for you... do it now or wait for cheaper quad core?

Just thinking how much the opty cost, and how much its worth, i wouldn't spend that on a fileserver. But in a way this is different.
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