Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 5th July 2007

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News 28th June - 5th July 2007

Current Team Position: 27th
Current Team Score: 50,767,113
Crunched This Week: 801,502 (24hr avg. 114,500)
Change from Last Week: -39,806

Next on the stomping horizon

21. Team AnandTech - 325 days (-100 days)
22. SilentPCReview Folding@Home - 217 days (+3 days)
23. Overclockers Club - 213 days (-39 days)
26. Team Hack-a-Day - 212 days (-30 days)
25. - Team Folding - 167 days (+12 days)

Teams stomped this week

28. Portugal@Folding :D

Ones to keep an eye on

60. DL.TV - 47 days (-12 days)
52. 2ch@PS3 - 178 days (+17 days)
32. - 400 days (-81 days)
75. - 597 days (+31 days)
86. Forums Team - 1237 days (+327 days)

We are currently at 23rd in team production, up two places from last week :)

This Week's Top Dumpers

1 . Whitestar (LigerZero) - 59,394
2 . growse - 44,445
3 . ms9cw - 42,028
4 . Gazzza - 33,672
5 . _Berserker_ - 30,153
6 . magman - 28,485
7 . snapsh0t - 25,839
8 . sculptor(OcUK) - 25,392
9 . Dunc - 21,695
10 . Walter_Anderson - 21,320
11 . Borged_by_MGP - 19,622
12 . DreederOcUK - 19,573
13 . Babyface_UK - 18,945
14 . Neil - 18,875
15 . Steevo38_(OcUK) - 18,373
16 . Unforgiven - 13,372
17 . diogenese - 12,857
18 . jaric - 12,632
19 . SiriusB_[OcUK] - 12,606
20 . hornytoe - 12,520
21 . theheyes - 12,311
22 . [SIR] Subteam 11,471
23 . Mattus - 10,766
24 . Concorde_Rules - 10,484
25 . polandro - 10,286
26 . lemonman - 9,625
27 . oceaness - 9,291
28 . 2bullish - 7,938
29 . lightning512 - 7,906
30 . PhillyDee - 7,710
31 . Rincin - 7,339
32 . verbal - 7,089
33 . JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 6,566
34 . vent - 6,527
35 . Biffa - 6,410
36 . TheAsgard(OcUK) - 6,152
37 . cokecan72 - 5,795
38 . feriso - 5,549
39 . deej - 5,370
40 . MattBrown - 4,710
41 . BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 4,647
42 . booyaka - 4,569
43 . Saetia - 4,557
44 . Cob - 4,320
45 . cdc1979 - 4,233
46 . TeamJoltColaPS3 - 4,219
47 . _Viking_ - 4,038
48 . BigDom - 3,830
49 . RD - 3,558
50 . FatRakoon - 3,520
51 . Pilgrim57 - 3,489
52 . Huddy - 3,466
53 . br - 3,402
54 . Buxx - 3,329
55 . smalls74 - 3,120

56 . Trazzall - 2,784
57 . solarisfireball - 2,608
58 . davejuk - 2,580
59 . Lowe - 2,412
60 . MajorPart - 2,334
61 . DarkendViper - 2,328
62 . pikeypriest - 2,210
63 . sr4470 - 2,198
64 . joebobslappy - 2,188
65 . froggy - 2,136
66 . marktime - 2,136
67 . rich99million - 2,090
68 . penfold - 2,074
69 . Frogskin - 2,005
70 . Poolybit - 1,842
71 . JellyMaster - 1,760
72 . duggyruss - 1,706
73 . DjSoulshot - 1,587
74 . casale - 1,562
75 . croni486 - 1,523
76 . Kenstheman - 1,484
77 . LigerZer - 1,410
78 . Craig321 - 1,379
79 . Carnage - 1,288
80 . orderoftheflame - 1,265
81 . dwps3(OCuK) - 1,262
82 . Joe42 - 1,196
83 . Sammael(OcUK) - 1,196
84 . z0mbi3 - 1,180
85 . jack - 1,148
86 . WoZZeR - 1,039
87 . Snapshot - 1,030
88 . Shanko - 1,012

89 . Gunda - 998
90 . benneh - 882
91 . L33 - 872
92 . mac3 - 861
93 . johnz0r - 824
94 . dayvie - 802
95 . NOIR - 802
96 . BenjiSayers - 780
97 . KALIBR(OcUK) - 780
98 . sammy7 - 764
99 . A_N_Other - 725
100 . piggott - 723
101 . Galifrey - 706
102 . hikaru452 - 706
103 . Zymurgy - 706
104 . Elston - 704
105 . pmbuzz - 704
106 . N.Falkner - 688
107 . blitz2163 - 682
108 . Zefan - 682
109 . eLbot - 642
110 . Freefaller - 618
111 . OcUKWildweasel - 601
112 . FTW - 584
113 . JackWolk - 578
114 . RONNIE - 574
115 . Russbot - 574
116 . uk_viper - 523
117 . Adnams_Drinker - 500
118 . gt_junkie - 500
119 . Limehaus - 500
120 . mikeymike - 500
121 . Robert - 500
122 . jidh007 - 498
123 . TheCrow - 498
124 . Appleby - 491
125 . NigeB - 452
126 . Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 426
127 . RobOC - 412
128 . BigDannyO - 404
129 . meths - 401
130 . dr.who - 392
131 . happytechie - 392
132 . DooMSireN - 362
133 . Tikler - 292
134 . botdae - 287
135 . Bubba-f4780y - 287
136 . Corran - 287
137 . nick - 287
138 . Prescott28 - 287
139 . PS3 - 287
140 . Roger - 287
141 . S.Hanko - 287
142 . Jagman2k - 266
143 . SquAmy - 266
144 . FISHGUTS - 226
145 . MetalGuru - 226
146 . Alistair - 206
147 . Andrew - 206
148 . bossk128 - 206
149 . divinemadness - 206
150 . Ever - 206
151 . Fabry_Uhe-Uhe - 206
152 . MartinDRZ - 206
153 . mikeh86 - 206
154 . r0undb0y - 188
155 . biteme99 - 186
156 . Cameron - 186
157 . davieswa - 186
158 . mrchristian(OcUK) - 186
159 . Neeeeil - 186
160 . Paul_Holliday - 186
161 . FizzyLogic - 118
162 . eX-it - 94
163 . Seminole_Joe - 73
164 . mish86 - 38

Single Machine Folding League

Colour Key: MultiCore/MultiCPU, SingleCore, PS3, Deep Thought, Unclarified

1 . Unforgiven - 13,372
2 . Concorde_Rules - 10,484
3 . [SIR]_Petulant - 8,326
4 . Rincin - 7,339
5 . booyaka - 4,569
6 . Cob - 4,320
7 . TeamJoltColaPS3 - 4,219
8 . _Viking_ - 4,038
9 . Pilgrim57 - 3,489
10 . [SIR]_shadowscotland - 3,145
11 . Trazzall - 2,784
12 . marktime - 2,136
13 . Frogskin - 2,005
14 . JellyMaster - 1,760
15 . LigerZer - 1,410
16 . Carnage - 1,288
17 . WoZZeR - 1,039
18 . BenjiSayers - 780
19 . Zymurgy - 706
20 . pmbuzz - 704
21 . Zefan - 682
22 . Adnams_Drinker - 500
23 . Limehaus - 500
24 . Jagman2k - 266
25 . Andrew - 206
26 . divinemadness - 206

This Week's Top Stompers

dwps3(OCuK) - 454
jack - 441
KALIBR(OcUK) - 392
N.Falkner - 359
gt_junkie - 332
Tikler - 273
botdae - 253
mac3 - 177
eX-it - 163
dayvie - 159
Seminole_Joe - 154
RONNIE - 135
DjSoulshot - 116
mish86 - 114
Fabry_Uhe-Uhe - 111
Russbot - 104
meths - 97
nick - 84
mrchristian(OcUK) - 77
PhillyDee - 62
Robert - 47
eLbot - 35
TheAsgard(OcUK) - 32
BigDannyO - 29
cdc1979 - 28
Cameron - 24
Bubba-f4780y - 23
Kenstheman - 23
Shanko - 23
MattBrown - 22
S.Hanko - 20
MartinDRZ - 19
solarisfireball - 19
Trazzall - 18
Alistair - 17
z0mbi3 - 16
biteme99 - 15
[SIR]_shadowscotland - 14
Craig321 - 14
davieswa - 14
Neeeeil - 14
Roger - 13
sammy7 - 12
mikeh86 - 10
Frogskin - 9
pikeypriest - 9
Saetia - 9
Snapshot - 9
theheyes - 9
Biffa - 8
L33 - 8
booyaka - 7
hikaru452 - 7
RD - 7
smalls74 - 7
JackWolk - 6
johnz0r - 6
Limehaus - 6
BenjiSayers - 5
davejuk - 5
orderoftheflame - 5
_Viking_ - 4
Adnams_Drinker - 4
NOIR - 4
[SIR]_Petulant - 3
Carnage - 3
croni486 - 3
TeamJoltColaPS3 - 3
Walter_Anderson - 3
benneh - 2
Gunda - 2
jaric - 2
JellyMaster - 2
jidh007 - 2
LigerZer - 2
Mattus - 2
ms9cw - 2
Poolybit - 2
Rincin - 2
Andrew - 1
Borged_by_MGP - 1
cokecan72 - 1
Concorde_Rules - 1
DooMSireN - 1
Elston - 1
Gazzza - 1
JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 1
Lowe - 1
marktime - 1
oceaness - 1
PS3 - 1
r0undb0y - 1
snapsh0t - 1
SquAmy - 1
verbal - 1
WoZZeR - 1
Zymurgy - 1

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

Team 10 OcUK - 50,000,000
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 3,700,000
sculptor(OcUK) - 3,400,000
growse - 1,550,000
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 1,000,000
magman - 925,000
Dunc - 850,000
Gazzza - 775,000
DreederOcUK - 750,000
Borged_by_MGP - 675,000
vent - 675,000
Neil - 625,000
snapsh0t - 600,000
lightning512 - 425,000
Walter_Anderson - 425,000
ms9cw - 300,000
Mattus - 225,000
oceaness - 225,000
[SIR] Subteam - 90,000
theheyes - 70,000
Biffa - 60,000
TeamJoltColaPS3 - 60,000
Carnage - 40,000
Poolybit - 40,000
Saetia - 40,000
smalls74 - 40,000
davejuk - 30,000
RD - 30,000
TheAsgard(OcUK) - 25,000
Zymurgy - 25,000
Frogskin - 20,000
MattBrown - 20,000
Trazzall - 20,000
cdc1979 - 15,000
johnz0r - 15,000
orderoftheflame - 15,000
PhillyDee - 15,000
Snapshot - 15,000
Craig321 - 10,000
Kenstheman - 7,500
Shanko - 5,000
DjSoulshot - 2,500
eLbot - 2,500
Roger - 2,500
Cameron - 1,000
dayvie - 1,000
dwps3(OCuK) - 1,000
jack - 1,000
mac3 - 1,000

Congrats to all the Tiffy-Kat winners :cool:

This Week's New Members


A great big warm welcome to the team!

If you haven't done so already then why not check out the Folding@Home Setup Guide and the Quickie Guide for more foldy-tastic tips especially for when you're in a rush

Phew, first news post in 3 weeks, took me a while to get back in the swing of things :p
Things certainly seem to be going well still, another team stomp (though our last for quite a while) as well as another huge team tiffy this week.
Looks like we'll be getting stomped in a couple of months but at least we seem to have staved off the PS3 teams a little this week.
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

***Only got one machine crunching? - Have a looky here***

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 21:20 June 28th and 19:30 July 5th

Previous Weeks' News:
June 28th, June 21st, June 14th, June 7th, May 31st, May 24th, May 17th, May 10th, May 3rd, April 26th, April 19th, April 12th, April 5th, March 29th, March 15th, March 8th, March 1st, February 22nd, February 15th, February 8th, February 1st, January 25th, January 18th, January 11th, January 4th

2006 News Archives:
December 28th, December 21st, December 14th, December 7th, November 30th, November 23rd, November 16th, November 9th, November 2nd, October 26th, October 19th, October 12th, October 5th, September 28th, September 21st, September 14th, September 7th, August 31st, August 24th, August 17th, August 10th, August 3rd, July 27th, July 20th, July 13th, July 6th, June 29th, June 22nd, June 15th, June 8th, June 2nd, May 26th, May 19th, May 12th, May 5th, April 28th, April 21st, April 14th, April 7th, March 31st, March 24th, March 17th, March 10th, March 3rd, February 24th, February 17th, February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th

Single Machine Crunchers:
Adnams_Drinker, Andrew, BenjiSayers, booyaka, br83taylor, Carnage, Cob, Concorde_Rules, CSO2_B0rked, cssreg, divinemadness, Frogskin, HoMeR, Jagman2k, JellyMaster, Kappa, ken1307, lemonan, LigerZer, Limehaus, LordShadow, Lucifersam, marktime, MonishaLuvsRincin, OcUK_Stelly, OcUKRossi, Pilgrim57, Plasmoid, pmbuzz, Rincin, Sadgeek, [SIR]_Petulant, [SIR]_shadowscotland, shimy182, StevenG[OCUK], TeamJoltColaPS3, Trazzall, Unforgiven, Viking, Windle, WoZZeR, xgeek, Zefan, Zymurgy ...
ok I think it's all correct, please yell if you spot anything :p

I've put the [SIR] Subteam totals in the dumping stats and tiffies and removed mention of the individual's totals from both - I hope that's right as I wasn't sure what we'd decided on all those weeks ago :o :D
Oooh shiny new news from the man of numbers himself!

Nice, I just sneaked into the top 20 :D

Excession should be up and running next week once all the parts arrive. And I work out how it is going to connect to my router from downstairs :p
wohoo proper news from the multinumbered man himself :cool:

Not quite sure I like the idea of slippage from the top 10 dumpers. That's what comes of Stanford messing with the WinSMP client's expiry date :(
Thanks for the news, Rich! :) Now that the faulty PS3s being warranty-replaced and Stelly has a shiny new Q6800 crunching, hopefully Team ms9cw will be contenders for the top slot again next week.

Teams stomped this week

28. Portugal@Folding


A dip in output from myself as I had to take Deep Thought offline for a few days, but everything's back to normal now.

Ta Rich!
Since I posted in the other thread, I thought I'd pop in here and congratulate team 10 on a spiffilicious Tiffy and a well deserved stomp.

Keep up the good work guys.


Stan :)
Thanks for the news Rich, Team 10 have moved up quite a few places since the last time i was on :)
I thought it was about time that i got my rig folding again after 4 months. Can you also put me back in the single folding stats.
Thanks for the news rich, don't know how you keep the formating tidy :D

[SIR] has taken a hit this week and with it's limited intrest I can't help but feel I'm floging a dead horse (not in output terms, but members)
If anyone is intrested post here in the news, if not I'll have a chat with my fellow knight, and either dump all my smp eggs in [SIR] to form a team with wozzer. Or alturnativly put my home rig back on lemonman and get back into the top 20 :cool:

Excerlent news on the team stomp and making some serious ground on three of the 5 teams above us :D

Nice to see stan drop buy too :cool:
Ooooo I'm a lucky boy!

Last night a WU got interrupted [1760 pointer again I might add]. I was just about to turn my monitor off and go to bed when I realised that it hadn't restarted [luckily the WU had stopped just before my script was scheduled to run].

Then I remembered the client had expired! Replaced the old files with the new and off it went.

Had I turned my monitor off just 10 seconds sooner this post would have gone along the lines of "I JUST LOST 12 -ING HOURS OF FOLDING!" :p
@Sirius - after my string of (three) 1760s I've endured the wrath of fate and had 1380s ever since. :(

Ugh that reminds me I haven't updated my client. I can't remember the last time I restarted my computer never mind the client.
Woot another tiffe! rah! Amazing I'm moving at all with all the swapping of hardware and crashing WU's I've had this last week.

theheyes is steaming away :P
ya know, ive just realised something. when i first joined the ranks of Team 10 over a year ago, i think we were positioned 44th! now look...27th :D

go Team 10, go! *que cheerleaders*
cokecan72 said:
go Team 10, go! *que cheerleaders*
SiriusB said:
Heyes has just overclocked his E6400 so up goes his PPD.

Its an e6300, and its not a 24/7 machine. Its probably only on 3/4 hours a day and even then theres usually a game running. I wouldnt mind but I spend the most money on the darn thing and I never use it :confused:

I'm going to be selling the ps3 soon I think I've never played on that either.

So, Biffa, theres more than enough scope for you to catch up. ;)
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