Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 15th February 2007

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News 8th - 15th February 2007

Current Team Position: 33rd
Current Team Score: 33,871,247
Crunched This Week: 793,315 (24hr avg. 113,331)
Change from Last Week: +44,295

Next on the stomping horizon

25 The Knights Who Say Ni! - 111 days (-19 days)
26 General [M]ayhem - 101 days (-11 days)
31 Team Engadget - 85 days (-45 days)
30 - 46 days (-8 days)
32 - 6 days (-9 days)

Teams stomped this week


Ones to keep an eye on

still none - we are currently ranked 14th in team production :cool:

This Week's Top Dumpers

1 . sculptor(OcUK) - 70,668
2 . Bigstan - 58,195
3 . Whitestar (LigerZero) - 50,883
4 . snapsh0t - 26,291
5 . growse - 25,977
6 . Neil - 23,100
7 . dr.who - 22,190
8 . hornytoe - 19,744
9 . Steevo38_(OcUK) - 19,080
10 . DreederOcUK - 18,369
11 . Dunc - 17,379
12 . Unforgiven - 16,527
13 . vent - 16,157
14 . Cob - 16,100
15 . Concorde_Rules - 15,893
16 . Borged_by_MGP - 15,744
17 . jaric - 15,649
18 . magman - 15,347
19 . dangerousdave - 14,470
20 . LordShadow - 13,723
21 . KE1HA - 12,985
22 . Appleby - 12,696
23 . Babyface_UK - 12,039
24 . StevenG[OCUK] - 11,209
25 . JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 10,306
26 . rich99million - 10,042
27 . polandro - 9,772
28 . Freefaller - 8,954
29 . Wozz - 8,649
30 . feriso - 8,561
31 . _Berserker_ - 8,290
32 . br - 8,033
33 . A_N_Other - 7,900
34 . Huddy - 7,721
35 . Gazzza - 7,593
36 . BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 7,080
37 . deej - 7,054
38 . SiriusB_[OcUK] - 6,962
39 . lemonman - 5,766
40 . Sadgeek - 5,640
41 . 2bullish - 4,939
42 . Rincin - 4,657
43 . oceaness - 4,555
44 . diogenese - 4,484
45 . Lowe - 3,718
46 . lightning512 - 3,658
47 . Dunky - 3,638
48 . DR_D - 3,333
49 . Pilgrim57 - 3,191
50 . DarkendViper - 3,149
51 . Corran - 3,125

52 . duggyruss - 2,988
53 . happytechie - 2,755
54 . Carnage - 2,754
55 . Joe42 - 2,546
56 . piggott - 2,458
57 . marktime - 2,394
58 . Elston - 2,208
59 . Trick - 2,201
60 . verbal - 2,151
61 . bossk128 - 2,047
62 . br83taylor - 1,990
63 . MadFruit - 1,919
64 . Buxx - 1,830
65 . OcUKWildweasel - 1,774
66 . benneh - 1,744
67 . mikeymike - 1,728
68 . croni486 - 1,720
69 . Dean_Vile - 1,700
70 . BigDom - 1,697
71 . FatRakoon - 1,676
72 . ken1307 - 1,627
73 . penfold - 1,554
74 . Assasin-uk - 1,528
75 . Poolybit - 1,500
76 . shady - 1,450
77 . _Viking_ - 1,354
78 . iBot - 1,322
79 . Garp - 1,233
80 . Sammael(OcUK) - 1,210
81 . RobOC - 1,116
82 . divinemadness - 1,066

83 . [OcUK]Cybershot - 994
84 . casale - 975
85 . aXeR - 954
86 . uk_viper - 888
87 . Silent_Bob - 865
88 . Psycho_Sonny - 861
89 . aceface57 - 850
90 . Adnams_Drinker - 822
91 . Mattus - 816
92 . Gunda - 765
93 . OcUK_Stelly - 765
94 . Limehaus - 762
95 . Saetia - 747
96 . Slinwagh - 672
97 . FTW - 668
98 . LigerZer - 664
99 . pmbuzz - 664
100 . Ever - 626
101 . Zefan - 625
102 . Fatiain - 581
103 . Tumbler^ - 559
104 . 1337z0r_Josh - 558
105 . cokecan72 - 558
106 . davejuk - 558
107 . monkeygremlin - 459
108 . steve - 423
109 . Jam0r - 396
110 . R0551 - 396
111 . [madoldtory] - 392
112 . kinnison - 392
113 . jidh007 - 373
114 . Pete - 373
115 . AthlonTom - 372
116 . CSO2_B0rked - 372
117 . Ricko - 372
118 . sr4470 - 372
119 . markyp23 - 364
120 . Prescott28 - 292
121 . Smudgeroo - 226
122 . Zymurgy - 187
123 . Andrew - 186
124 . escape_sanity - 186
125 . froggy - 186
126 . Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 186
127 . Klo - 186
128 . lemonan - 186
129 . Yimpster - 186
130 . Freakish_05 - 19
131 . DemonFolding - 11

Single Machine Folding League

Colour Key: MultiCore/MultiCPU, SingleCore, Unclarified

1 . Unforgiven - 16,527
2 . Cob - 16,100
3 . Concorde_Rules - 15,893
4 . dangerousdave - 14,470
5 . LordShadow - 13,723
6 . StevenG[OCUK] - 11,209
7 . Sadgeek - 5,640
8 . Rincin - 4,657
9 . Pilgrim57 - 3,191
10 . Carnage - 2,754
11 . marktime - 2,394
12 . br83taylor - 1,990
13 . MadFruit - 1,919
14 . ken1307 - 1,627
15 . _Viking_ - 1,354
16 . divinemadness - 1,066
17 . pmbuzz - 664
18 . Zefan - 625
19 . cokecan72 - 558
20 . CSO2_B0rked - 372
21 . sr4470 - 372
22 . markyp23 - 364
23 . Zymurgy - 187
24 . Andrew - 186
25 . lemonan - 186
26 . DemonFolding - 11

This Week's Top Stompers

OcUK_Stelly - 318
Limehaus - 317
Slinwagh - 306
LigerZer - 304
steve - 260
AthlonTom - 249
Yimpster - 183
Carnage - 96
Pete - 61
davejuk - 45
markyp23 - 31
monkeygremlin - 27
Dunky - 25
benneh - 24
jaric - 19
Smudgeroo - 17
Andrew - 13
R0551 - 13
Silent_Bob - 13
dangerousdave - 12
Freakish_05 - 12
snapsh0t - 12
bossk128 - 11
escape_sanity - 11
Wozz - 10
DR_D - 9
Lowe - 9
Garp - 8
Poolybit - 8
[OcUK]Cybershot - 7
Zefan - 7
Jam0r - 6
JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 5
Klo - 5
Assasin-uk - 4
Neil - 4
Psycho_Sonny - 4
StevenG[OCUK] - 4
Adnams_Drinker - 3
feriso - 3
Tumbler^ - 3
_Viking_ - 2
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 2
cokecan72 - 2
divinemadness - 2
dr.who - 2
DreederOcUK - 2
Ever - 2
iBot - 2
Saetia - 2
Unforgiven - 2
[madoldtory] - 1
Borged_by_MGP - 1
Corran - 1
Freefaller - 1
jidh007 - 1
LordShadow - 1
MadFruit - 1
mikeymike - 1
Rincin - 1
uk_viper - 1
Zymurgy - 1

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

Whitestar (LigerZero) - 2,650,000
sculptor(OcUK) - 2,500,000
Bigstan - 925,000
hornytoe - 825,000
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 675,000
rich99million - 625,000
polandro - 475,000
Babyface_UK - 450,000
Gazzza - 425,000
dr.who - 375,000
vent - 375,000
DreederOcUK - 350,000
Borged_by_MGP - 325,000
growse - 325,000
diogenese - 300,000
Concorde_Rules - 275,000
Appleby - 250,000
Neil - 250,000
aXeR - 200,000
piggott - 180,000
Unforgiven - 180,000
A_N_Other - 160,000
deej - 160,000
Cob - 140,000
StevenG[OCUK] - 120,000
feriso - 100,000
Rincin - 100,000
JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 80,000
snapsh0t - 80,000
dangerousdave - 60,000
Pilgrim57 - 60,000
Elston - 50,000
Wozz - 50,000
DR_D - 25,000
[madoldtory] - 20,000
Dunky - 15,000
Poolybit - 15,000
uk_viper - 15,000
Garp - 12,500
[OcUK]Cybershot - 7,500
Adnams_Drinker - 7,500
benneh - 7,500
CSO2_B0rked - 7,500
R0551 - 5,000
Carnage - 2,500
davejuk - 1,000
markyp23 - 1,000

Congrats to all the Tiffy-Kat winners :cool:

This Week's New Members

LigerZer (oops)

A great big warm welcome to the team! :)
If you haven't done so already then why not check out the Folding@Home Setup Guide and the Quickie Guide for more foldy-tastic tips especially for when you're in a rush

Still increasing production - plus plenty of new fresh sacrifices errr I mean help :p
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now

***Only got one machine crunching? - Have a looky here***

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 19:50 February 8th and 19:50 February 15th

Previous Weeks' News:
February 8th, February 1st, January 25th, January 18th, January 11th, January 4th

2006 News Archives:
December 28th, December 21st, December 14th, December 7th, November 30th, November 23rd, November 16th, November 9th, November 2nd, October 26th, October 19th, October 12th, October 5th, September 28th, September 21st, September 14th, September 7th, August 31st, August 24th, August 17th, August 10th, August 3rd, July 27th, July 20th, July 13th, July 6th, June 29th, June 22nd, June 15th, June 8th, June 2nd, May 26th, May 19th, May 12th, May 5th, April 28th, April 21st, April 14th, April 7th, March 31st, March 24th, March 17th, March 10th, March 3rd, February 24th, February 17th, February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th

Single Machine Crunchers:
Andrew, Beenom, benjo1989, br83taylor, Carnage, Cob, cokecan72, Concorde_Rules, CSO2_B0rked, dangerousdave, DemonFolding, divinemadness, Jagman2k, Kappa, ken1307, lemonan, LordShadow, MadFruit, marktime, markyp23, MaxPower, nikebee, Pilgrim57, Plasmoid, pmbuzz, Pumpkinstew, Rincin, sr4470, Sadgeek, StevenG[OCUK], Unforgiven, Viking, Zefan, Zip, Zymurgy ...
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Woohoo, 2nd in the dumpers league for the first time \o/

Nice work by the team. Over 44,000 increase and 6 new Folders (Whitestar, you numpty :p ).

As always, thanks to Rich for the news and a warm Foldy type welcome to the new guys :)

Stan :)
Thanks for the news Rich. Pretty poor week for me as i've stripped my dual opty rig out and installed an E4300 setup. Overclocking and stressing it as i write.

Hopefully I may get back to 10K plus next week.
6 . StevenG[OCUK] - 11,209

What the **** is going on here... i mean im running my setup 24/7 with no load being used by other programs and im getting these scores???

i think i need to up the ante a little.. *going to get some more clocking done while i have some time..**

Thanks Rich for the news... :D

Well hello gentlemen, I am back! :cool:

I have been in bed for most of the week due to illness :eek: and my PC has had a wonky output because of that. Basically I would go into Windows to watch a DVD since I had not much else to do lying in bed [audio doesn't work in Ubuntu :(] and because I was ill I tended to fall asleep, forget about the PC and therefore lose out on SMPage.

I think I have lost close to 3 days worth of SMP folding. Still, nearly 7K isn't bad. I am fairly convinced my friend has got both cores of his E6400 running now so my output should increase slightly.

My upgrade arrives next week or the week after so look out for a marked increase in my output. I also plan to go H2O so I will overclocking the nads off my new E6600 :D

Got to admit after seeing the points for the week I feel more of a idiot for what I did this morning !

I am currently over in Ireland and I have a VPN/Remote desktop to my network at home in Scotland. I had a couple of 2605 WUs running away and was checking everything was OK when I notice the clock is 10 minutes out in Ubantu, so I set about sorting this however vmware on full screen gets a bit jerky over the VPN so I accidently hit the month to March what this did was instantly abort the WUs as the date was past there deadline with one at 75% DOH ! It was heading to finish at 17:00 so I would have had an extra 1760 points for the week putting me up in 2nd place. A silly mistake that I won't be making again !

Also to StevenG it appears the extra cache on the E6600 upwards makes a difference to folding at home, I run my E6600 at 3.2 and with people running there E6300/6400 at the same speed I have noticed mines appears almost 10% faster on the same WUs.
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Thanks for the news, Rich :)

I'm still chugging away on my systems - maybe not as fast as C2Ds, but they get the job done. Fairly soon (4-5 weeks, depending on production) I'll be hitting 200,000 too ... the second 100,000 sure came a lot faster than the first!

Welcome to all the new members. It's cool to see so many new faces.

Get well soon, SiriusB :(
rich99million said:
25 . JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 10,306
Woot! :D Go smp!

Good to see an increase in production and some new crunchers :)

I also love comparing the graphs for daily production and active users. Production is ever-increasing while users is at an all time low :D
Thanks for the news.
My machine keeps getting bsods, so i can't leave it on 24/7. Different bsods each time so far too, annoyingly. Time for a windows re-install i methinks.

Looking at the price of the X2 3800+, its a very tempting option for a fileserver... i think i see a little project coming on. ;)

The team is doing really well as usual, we'll be passing by next week with any luck, and into #32. :p
My output was hurt a bit by getting an EUE at about 80% on a 292 pointer and only getting 4 points for it :(
Bigstan said:
Nice work by the team. Over 44,000 increase and 6 new Folders (Whitestar, you numpty :p ).
Stan :)

Whats worse is that when it was first pointed out I said I knew which machine it was. Turns out I was wrong. The search continues. :rolleyes:
Wow things are really good for team 10 :)

A years ago I believe we were around 54th place.

My folding hasn't been going well for a few months. I'm really not sure why but this week has seen a vast improvement so maybe I just got unlucky with the type of WUs and servers. We'll see how things go.

Good to see my freinds BIgStan doing so well.. I've been keeping an eye on you mate and it's great to see you 2nd top producer :)

Welcome Newbies and many thanks as always to Rich.
Whitestar said:
Whats worse is that when it was first pointed out I said I knew which machine it was. Turns out I was wrong. The search continues.

Ha ha - and LigerZer joins the ranks with lemonan in the single cruncher league :o (I now know where lemonan is - it's a demo machine at toys R us :D)
Looks like a P4 3.something to me, running a single thread (but I guess that doesn't really narrow it down on your farm)

@Huddy - You've been a coupple of K ahead of me for a few weeks now, every time I think i'm gaining you dump 2k of Wu's and I'm back to square one again. :rolleyes:

@Unforgiven, Cob, Concorde_Rules, dangerousdave, LordShadow, StevenG & Sadgeek - that 7 single manchine crunch that beat my office hours farm - :eek: nice work guys :cool:

Edit: thanks for the news rich (can't beleave I posted without saying it) - and welcome all the new members
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Sir Tif E Kat

Well done to the team, nice to see 20+ in the red on a consistent basis now :cool:

Thanks for the news as always Mr Millions :)

Thought I would share my latest H'achievement with y'all, didn't make it in time for the news.


H'onwards and H'upwards :D

br83taylor said:
Thats some impressive numbers team, lets keep it up.

Thanks for the news Rich.

Pilgrim57, what you got under the hood of that single core?

I want to know this aswell :p
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